Play with Me! How Games and Playtime Can Help Your Child Learn Math

When:  Apr 9, 2024 from 01:00 to 02:00 (ET)

Welcome to the second installment of our Family Math Webinar Series! Join us on April 9 at 1PM ET for an engaging session where we learn how games, puzzles and playtime can be opportunities to promote children's math learning.

In this session, we will explore how games and playtime support a range of math skills in children, specific ideas for how families and educators can hype up the math during joint playtime, and where to find free and easy-to-access games and parent guidance.

So join us for a playful session with presenters who bring family math research, educator, and parenting expertise. Walk away with resources and tools for making your upcoming summer one that is filled with joyful math conversations and play.

This event is part of a series that is brought to you through the Consortium for Engaging Families Across Maine at MAEC (